Coronavirus: Symptoms, Treatment, and Transmission

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus (CoV) is a type of large family virus that causes illness ranging from the common cold to more life-threatening and severe diseases such as MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)-CoV and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-CoV. 

nCov i.e., novel Coronavirus a newly found strain of a virus which has not been known to the human previously. This virus is transmitted between animals and humans, hence it is a zoonotic virus. 

After further investigation, it was found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats and MERS-CoV was transmitted from dromedary camels to humans. Several other types of Coronavirus are present in animals but have not infected humans yet. 

MERS appeared in the Middle East first in 2012 and then to other countries like Africa, Asia, and Europe. In 2014, the first American who just had been to Saudi Arabia was diagnosed with MERS, then other cases were found from Indiana and Florida. In Korea, the MERS outbreak happened in 2015. SARS outbreak happened in 2003 and 744 people died. Now, WHO identified a new type of Coronavirus outbreak in China during late 2019 and early 2020 (2019-nCoV).

How does the Coronavirus infection occur?

Transmission of Coronavirus to humans may occur when one comes in direct contact with infected people or animals. The recent outbreak of Coronavirus in China occurred when an old man bought infected seafood. Coronavirus is also transmitted through coughing, sneezing. This infection can also easily affect people who come in direct contact with contaminated bodies. 

What are the symptoms of Coronavirus?

Signs and symptoms of Coronavirus are:

  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Pneumonia
  • Cardiovascular symptoms may also show up in old people, kids, and in those whose immune system is weak. 
  • Shortness of breath
  • SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
  • MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)
  • Kidney failure 
  • Even death

How is Coronavirus infection detected?

If the symptoms persist longer than usual then the health care provider may ask to get the lab tests done including the cultures of nose and throat. In some cases, the infected individual won’t know that it is coronavirus because the symptoms are like common cold-causing viral infections such as rhinovirus.

What is the treatment of coronavirus infection?

There is no specific antiviral treatment recommended for 2019-nCoV infection. People infected with 2019-nCoV should receive supportive care to help relieve symptoms. For severe cases, treatment should include care to support vital organ functions.

People who think they may have been exposed to 2019-nCoV should contact the healthcare provider immediately.

How can Coronavirus infection be prevented?

The vaccination for Coronavirus is not there hence the prevention for this virus has to be done in the same way the things are done to avoid or prevent common cold like:

  • Washing hands thoroughly with soap and warm water
  • Using alcohol-based sanitizer
  • Keeping your hands away from eye, mouth, and nose
  • Avoid contact from the person who is infected
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Drink fluids
  • Take over the counter medication for the symptoms if any
  • Humidifier or steamy shower
  • Take care that meat and eggs are cooked thoroughly

Would you like to consult a doctor for Coronavirus ?

Questions answered by trusted doctors

Verified User
Hello. I am 27 years old and we are trying to conceive. I heard about the recent Corona virus outbreak. If I get pregnant and get this virus then will it affect my pregnancy or health of foetus or cause any defects. I cannot wait for this outbreak to pass to start trying since my age is already 27. I can take precautions but I am working so if my colleague are sick then I cannot take leave from office just because of that. How dangerous is it to conceive now during this epidemic.
Dr. M Shilpa
Gynecologist, Hyderabad
Consult the doctor for further queries
Dr. Inthu
Gynecologist, Chennai
Not studied extensively as of now. it's not in India as  of now
Dr. Sumeet Survase
Gynecologist, Osmanabad
consult for more discussion on ur problem and treatment chat privetly
Verified User
Dr i want to know that abut corona virus becuase my father is suffring from this deases and he is in dubai right now an i can adimt him for treatment
Dr. Anil Kumar Jain
General Physician, Bangalore
Hello there.

I can understand your concern.
I'm sorry but at this place there is not much we can say about it due to space constraints.
There is a very good article about coronary virus in Wikipedia.
You can go through it.
It will be more than satisfy your curiosity about it.
Best regards.
Dr. Anil Kumar Jain.

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Did you know?

Coronavirus Helpline

Coronavirus Helpline: the Government of India has issued a helpline number, which is responsive 24x7 and the representative will provide the caller with the information about the Coronavirus and few preventive measures. Also, the government asked the patients to come forward for reporting Coronavirus Symptoms. The advisory has been issued to examine all the passengers flying from China.

WHO Director-General’s opening remarks

WHO Director-General’s opening remarks on a technical briefing on 2019-nCoV: “While 99% of cases are in China, as this doesn’t mean it won’t spread but lets act on this window of opportunity.” Further adding on “There is a window of opportunity because of the strong measures China is taking at the epicenter, at the source. So let’s not miss this window and use this opportunity to prevent further spread and control it.”

Further to stop the spread of the virus

Further to stop the spread of the virus, the international community has launched a US $675 million for preparedness and responsive plan which covers the months from Feb through April 2020. The plan is known as “The Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan” (SPRP) which lays out the activities and resources needed by the global health community, including WHO. The plan focuses on the rapid establishment of international co-ordination and support, scaling up the country’s readiness and response, to accelerate priority research and innovation.

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Current Affairs

The first instance of Coronavirus

In 1937, Coronavirus was first identified from an infectious bronchitis virus in birds which had the capacity to devastate the whole poultry stock. Human Coronavirus was identified in the 1960s from the nose of the patients suffering from cold. Two human Coronaviruses such as OC43 and 229E. In 2019, the outbreak of Coronavirus in Wuhan, China was identified by the Center of Diseases Control (CDC) and close monitoring was implicated from then.

Regarding the name Corona

The Coronaviruses have crown-like projections on the surface of the virus and “Corona” means “Halo” and/or “Crown” in Latin hence the name Coronavirus came into existence.

Lives affected by Coronavirus till Feb 2020:

A sudden outbreak of Coronavirus in China has claimed the lives of 100 people by January and as of 5th of Feb 565 cases have been filed dead. A total of 28,049 cases have been filed with Coronavirus in China out of which 18 cases from Hong Kong and 10 cases from Macau are reported.