Hairtransplant is safe?
I m 21 and i have pretty nice hair but my fotehead is big and i like zyan malik i love his hairstyle its my wish to get hair like him. Can i transplant hair and make my hairline small ? And does hair breaks after transplant ? Is it beneficial?
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Greetings. I wish to firstly tell you that hair transplantation is safe as long as it is done by a qualified dermatologist/hair transplant surgeon/plastic surgeon. With reference to your current fantasy - I want you to look at it practically. You may "love" zayn malik or his hair style - but wanting to have one like that and doing a "permanent" procedure like hair transplant would honestly not be a great idea. What if you stop liking him after a few months !! I have seen what zayn malik looks like and that his forehead width is quite narrow, coz his hair line is quite lower down. Its very rare that people look smart/handsome despite defying natural facial proportions and zayn malik may be one of such few people - that's probably because he has other sharp and admirable features. A "zayn malik - like hair line" may or may not suit you. So try and understand that you would rather work on maintaining good and healthy hair and a normal hairline that suits your face than trying permanent something for a current craze. Think about it - do discuss this thoroughly with your well wishers before you plan for a transplant.
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Hi .. hair transplant ideally is not done below 25 yrs.. because if you at this stage, hairline must be created very low which does not look good in a long run.. And only your implanted hair is permanent,  once youvstart loosing your existing hair then you will require multiple transplants for that donar may not be sufficient . It's important you don't waste your donar area by unnecessarily creating a very low hair line.. More over understand hair transplant cannot give you natural hair density. It's done to cover  your baldness with sufficient hair.. For more queries contact me in person Dr Shivashankar Tricho Derma clinic Hair transplant surgeon Bangalore
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Thanks for the query. The cause of hair fall needs to be established before proceeding for a hair fall therapy and it is easily done by a clinical examination alone most of the times. Hair transplant is mainly performed for a condition called pattern baldness. There are certain things to understand before deciding for or against the procedure. If you have done your research & understanding and are willing to step ahead with surgery, then the surgical options of FUE and FUT has to be discussed with your doctor. There are minor modifications done in these two techniques in an attempt to increase end results but technically they fall into FUE or FUT. You can take opinion from the hair transplant surgeon or there are various websites to make you understand the same. FUE and FUT are good standard protocols with independent merit and demerits; you should discuss this during your consultation. Coming back to pre-transplant decision stage, hair transplant is not a treatment to the core cause of male pattern baldness and you must understand this. The hairs from the back of your scalp are redistributed to the front and sides to cover those bald areas. The hairs from the back of the scalp have an advantage that they are not affected by hormones which cause hair loss in form of male pattern baldness. However they do have a natural life and will die out eventually. Second the hair follicles removed from the back will not re-grow. You may have apprehensions that the areas from which hair have been plucked will appear bald but this is not true as your hair transplant surgeon does the art that even after removing a few thousand follicles, the baldness is not evident. Third, the standard medications for baldness will still have to be continued for many reasons- to increase the life of transplanted hair, to preserve other hairs and the most obvious reason that hair transplant is not a cure for the pathology underlying. Hair transplant centres have mushroomed in our country, so be careful in your choice of a hair transplant surgeon. It also involves good amount of cost, so discuss and understand all pros and cons. Having said all that, cases where hair transplant is needed and if done at perfectly, achieve the results making a significant impact in the personality. Complications in hair transplant can happen in any part of the operative procedure, during anaesthesia or later but that is so for all other operations as well. Discuss the same with your doctor.
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