PCOD/ PCOS Diet Counselling

Health Q&A
Diet for diabetic

Hi Doctor Can you suggest to me what diet to be followed for a diabetic person i am unable to loose weight as I got stuck @74 kg trying to conceive for my second child but unfortunately I am unable to due to weight my hb1ac is 6,•9 so please do suggest me what I should eat as I tried herbal Life too your suggestion will be helpful to me keep balance on my weight

Period delay divery 10

I was on gastic medicine due to which period got delayed by 15 days , doctor prescribed divery 10 ,my period is delayed first time . Is it safer to take divery 10 . Or should I wait for spontaneous period after stopping gastic medicine

Sweet Potato

Can I eat Sweet Potato in diabetes (take metformin 1 gm at night). please let me know. also is it safe for weight loss

Daily multivitamin

Hello, I am regular gym doer. Can I take Supradyn Daily multivitamin? How many days I should take it or can I take it forever without any side-effects?

Weight loss

What could be my correct weight for the height and I'm working for 12 hours a day sitting. How can I lose some weight in my daily activities

Health Feed
8 Tips to Get Rid of Obesity

Obesity is a health condition which results when a person is taking in more calories than burned by Exercise and other Physical activities.It leads to Excess accumulation of fat in the body, that Increases the risk of other metabolic health problems. An individual is called obese is when ...

Which Fruits Can Help You Lose Weight?

You must be wondering how fruits, with their natural sweetness, help manage weight. Research shows that higher fruit intake correlates with less weight gain. Whole fruits, rich in fibre and water, keep you full longer and reduce calorie intake. Choosing fruits over high-calorie snacks cuts ...

7 Healthy Choices for a Healthy Stomach

STOMACH: Stomach is an organ in our body that digests food. It secretes acids and enzymes, which breaks down food, such that it can pass easily through the small intestine and promotes Nutrient absorption from the food. These Nutrients are the ones which build a healthy Body, which is Disease ...

Foods That Can Provide Relief in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs)

Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can present daily challenges, affecting everything from your work to your social life. The discomfort of symptoms like cramping, diarrhoea, gas, and bloating can be overwhelming. However, understanding the role of diet in managing IBS can offer a ray of ...

Myths and Facts About Knee Replacement Surgery

KNEE REPLACEMENT:Knee replacement surgery replaces the part of injured or worn out knee joints. The surgery helps to ease the pain caused by arthritis and make the knees work better. During the surgery, damaged bone and cartilage are replaced with the artificial parts made of metal and ...

Ms. Nafeesa Imteyaz - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Nafeesa Imteyaz Dietitian/Nutritionist (MSc. - Dietetics & Food Service Management) 29 years experience First Eat Right Clinic
3614 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 1000
Dr. Sharmila Shankar - Ayurveda
Dr. Sharmila Shankar Ayurveda (BAMS, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition, M. SC in YOGA) 24 years experience Ayushya Ayurcare Clinic
115 recommendations Malleswaram, Bangalore INR 1000
Dr. Akhila Joshi - Yoga and Naturopathy
Dr. Akhila Joshi Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS, MSc - Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics) 15 years experience Akhilasoukhya-Weight Loss and Lifestyle Management
524 recommendations Kaggadasapura, Bangalore INR 500
Ms. Rohini Raghu - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Rohini Raghu Dietitian/Nutritionist (MSc - Dietitics / Nutrition) 19 years experience Apollo Clinic
8 recommendations Basavanagudi, Bangalore INR 700
Ms. Silky Mahajan - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Silky Mahajan Dietitian/Nutritionist (B.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition), M.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition), Certified Specialist in Sports Nutrition) 16 years experience Foods & Nutrition Clinic
329 recommendations Koramangala 3 Block, Bangalore INR 1770