Proton Therapy

Health Q&A
Hairfall problem

I am having hairfall from the past 1 year. I also have dandruff problem. I have oily skin and am experiencing severe hairfall.

Laser hair Removal after chickenpox

I got chicken pox on 11th may and I am recovering now. All poxes have dried and shedded but the scars are still pink and brown. I am due for my laser hair Removal appointment but not sure when should I go. Can I go now, will that darken my scars ? When should I ideally go ?

Chicken pox

I'm 20years old and I got chicken pox and I'm having too many scars on face what shall I do to remove the scar .

Under eye dark circles

Pls advice dermal filler is suitable for under eyes dark circle for long term solutions. Also I have tiny white patches on my face. Needs treatment for permanent solution. Thanks in advance.

Acne over body

Reason of getting alot of body acne and get bumps with pus and redness during summer Especially during this time

Health Feed
Best Pigmentation Treatment in Delhi

HyperpigmentationHuman skin color is determined by the concentration of a pigment present in the skin known as melanin. Sometimes, skin starts producing more melanin, which causes spots or patches that are darker than the surrounding skin. This condition is known as hyperpigmentation and ...

Seborrheic Dermatitis - Symptoms,cause and Risk Factors

What is Seborrheic Dermatitis?Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects your scalp. It causes scaly patches, inflamed skin and stubborn dandruff. It usually affects oily areas of the body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest. This ...

"Unlocking Handsome: The Ultimate Skincare Routine for Dapper Gents"

Gentlemen, it's time to step up your game and embrace the world of skincare!Gone are the days when a splash of water and a quick shave sufficed. A well-groomed man not only looks good but also feels confident. So, let's dive into the realm of skincare and discover ...

Misuse of Steroid Ointment: A Growing Pandemic in Fungal Infections

Steroid ointments, commonly referred to as corticosteroid creams, are powerful medications used to treat various skin conditions such as inflammation, itching, and irritation. While these medications can provide significant relief when used appropriately and under medical supervision, their ...

Keep the Glory of Your Skin Maintained This Summer!!!

Keep the glory of your skin maintained this summer!!!It’s the time of the year when hot chai becomes a little less flavored and nimbu soda becomes a go to option. Very soon anything synthetic will be a no-no and cotton will be your go to fabric. Fridge becomes loaded with fruits and ...

Dr. Nithya Raghunath - Dermatologist
Dr. Nithya Raghunath Dermatologist (MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy) 15 years experience Contura Clinic
4019 recommendations Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Shruthi C - Dermatologist
Dr. Shruthi C Dermatologist (MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy) 15 years experience Skin & Recon Dermatology And Plastic Surgery Clinic
30 recommendations Jayanagar 4 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Deepak Devakar - Dermatologist
Dr. Deepak Devakar Dermatologist (MBBS, DDVL) 20 years experience Dermasculpt Hair Transplant and Skin Clinic
2514 recommendations JP Nagar, Bangalore INR 600
Dr. Neelima Sharma - Dermatologist
Dr. Neelima Sharma Dermatologist (MBBS, DNB - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy) 25 years experience Manipal Hospital
77 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Parthasarathi Dutta Roy - Dermatologist
Dr. Parthasarathi Dutta Roy Dermatologist (MBBS, DDVL, MD - Skin,VD & Leprosy) 21 years experience Dr. Partha Sarathi's Asian Hair And Skin Hospitals
4354 recommendations MG Road, Bangalore INR 700