Aura and Chakras balancing

Health Q&A
Had brain stroke 4 years ago

Hello, Is there any cure for brain stroke in Ayurveda, we have been trying everything but no success. He can't speak and his right side is completely paralyzed but can do eye movements and we think he understands many things we say to him.


Hii My stomach is not getting cleaned properly i drink water. Some days before I passed hard poop which it is burning for me from few days. Please suggest any Ayurveda medicine for cleaning the stomach

Gas problem

My aunt was hospitalized due to covid for 1 month and came back home today. Everything is okay but she is facing gas issue since few days. She also has some pain inside stomach due to gas. She takes pan 40 tablets early morning on empty stomach and other medicines too. Since she is weak and is on oxygen concentrator she is not able to go to washroom. Can you please suggest some natural/ home remedy/ medicines for gas problem? Her age is 59 years.

Pranayama benificial or not

Is pranayama scientific proven? alternate nasal breathing(anulom vilom? is benificial for cardiac function?

Homeopathic Remedies

I was suffering from IBS-C but after taking Nux Vomica 30 CH for 15 days I got 70% relief... Should I continue it for a month?

Health Feed
Why Acupressure Therapy

*Why Acupressure therapy?*The Traditional Yogic Acupressure has Pretty Awesome Science Behind It. This science was developed in China as a sister science of Acupuncture, however original science had emerged from India.Acupressure is a medicinal method that emerged from traditional medicines, and ...

Why You Should Never Drink While Standing Up.

There is nothing like water to quench your thirst. It plays a key role in keeping you hydrated and just so you know, there are a lot many health problems and other related illnesses (and even weight issues) which can be solved if you just keep up with the intake of water on a regular basis. For ...

Slow Down! for Health and Well-Being

Are we too fast?!!Yes! We are! We are on a marathon run but at a speed required for 100 mt running race.What do I mean by a marathon run at a speed required for 100 mt running race? Let me explain. Now, imagine for a moment that you are on a marathon run. You know your destiny. You ...

Cabbage Juice Recipe To Beat The Bloat

Cabbage Juice Recipe that beats bloat, removes toxins and heals your gutBloating is almost inevitable, especially during the holiday season or after a nice, family gathering.  Being bloated is the feeling of having excess gas in the digestive system, which feels like you have a ...

Becoming A Healthy Eater

Being a healthy eater requires you to become both educated and smart about what healthy eating actually is. Being food smart isn’t about learning to calculate grams or fat, or is it about studying labels and counting calories.Balanced EatingHealthy eating is all about balanced ...

Dr. Biji Sabu - Yoga and Naturopathy
Dr. Biji Sabu Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS) 5 years experience Akhilasoukhya-Weight Loss and Lifestyle Management
42 recommendations Kaggadasapura, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Chirag M S - Acupuncturist
Dr. Chirag M S Acupuncturist (BNYS) 3 years experience Dr. Care Homeopathy Hospitals
22 recommendations HRBR Layout, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Akhila Joshi - Yoga and Naturopathy
Dr. Akhila Joshi Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS, MSc - Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics) 15 years experience Akhilasoukhya-Weight Loss and Lifestyle Management
524 recommendations Kaggadasapura, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Bini Sabu - Yoga and Naturopathy
Dr. Bini Sabu Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS) 5 years experience Akhilasoukhya-Weight Loss and Lifestyle Management
29 recommendations Kaggadasapura, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Aditi Prabhu - Yoga and Naturopathy
Dr. Aditi Prabhu Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS) 11 years experience Yogaksema Clinic
206 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 500