Vitiligo Treatment

Health Q&A
Remedy for red rashes in summer

Please suggest one good dusting powder for red rashes developed in summer on neck and back side, mild itching is there

Eczema and itchy body

A 62 yr old with eczema. Suffering from eczema on neck from 2009 which was a small patch on neck due to some constructions happened in home..used tenovate for years and it cured while using ointment. From last 6 months it spread everywhere in body . initially was only on neck.then hands then legs nd now body full Different ointments and medicines prescribed and it turned those spots black Itchy and bumpy eczema ful body While stopping medicines it triggers again Is possible for any allergies to food? How to control this

Red spot in face with dry skin

I am having red patch in face with dry skin from 2 weeks at times a bit of itching is there.. I have rosacea from 4 years after taking homeopathy treatment from year no flare ups but don't what's causing this issue

Need moisturiser recommendation

Can u help me by providing the name of best moisturiser for my skin type , and can mineral pil trigger acne present in cetaphil moisture cream

Acne and pigmentation

I'm getting so many acnes now a days... I never used to get..i recently moved to Canada. One goes and another one comes and leaves a dark spot... My face is full of acne and acne scars. I'm using cerave acne cleaner, followed by panoxyl face wash with 4℅ Benz oil in it follower by cereve moisturize and neutrogena sunscreen, in the night same process with cereve retinol.. I can see the difference but I look terrible... Please guide me doctor

Health Feed
Every Thing You Ever Wanted to Know About Your Hair & Scalp Troubles.

In today’s world of information overload, it’s no surprise that you might find yourself faced with a choice between a dermatologist, a cosmetologist, or a trichologist when seeking solutions for your hair and scalp issues. To make an informed decision, let’s break down these titles and ...


AKA ChloasmaA condition in which brown patches appear on the face.It can be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, post menopause or from sun exposure.Women are much more likely than men to develop this condition.OCCURANCEVery ...

Skin Blemishes

WHAT IS A BLEMISH?A blemish is the term for any mark on the skin.They can appear anywhere on the body.Different types of Blemishes ...

Male Pattern Baldness(androgenic Alopecia)

Male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) is a type of hair loss that affects people assigned male at birth (AMAB). It causes you to lose hair on the skin covering your head (scalp), and your hair doesn’t grow back. Other signs of male-pattern baldness include thinning hair and a hairline ...

Keep the Glory of Your Skin Maintained This Summer!!!

Keep the glory of your skin maintained this summer!!!It’s the time of the year when hot chai becomes a little less flavored and nimbu soda becomes a go to option. Very soon anything synthetic will be a no-no and cotton will be your go to fabric. Fridge becomes loaded with fruits and ...

Dr. Shruthi C - Dermatologist
Dr. Shruthi C Dermatologist (MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy) 15 years experience Skin & Recon Dermatology And Plastic Surgery Clinic
30 recommendations Jayanagar 4 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Nithya Raghunath - Dermatologist
Dr. Nithya Raghunath Dermatologist (MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy) 15 years experience Contura Clinic
4019 recommendations Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Deepak Devakar - Dermatologist
Dr. Deepak Devakar Dermatologist (MBBS, DDVL) 20 years experience Dermasculpt Hair Transplant and Skin Clinic
2514 recommendations JP Nagar, Bangalore INR 600
Dr. Neelima Sharma - Dermatologist
Dr. Neelima Sharma Dermatologist (MBBS, DNB - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy) 25 years experience Manipal Hospital
77 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Rajdeep - Dermatologist
Dr. Rajdeep Dermatologist (MBBS, DDVL) 15 years experience Chirag Hospital
628 recommendations JP Nagar 2 Phase, Bangalore INR 750