Health Q&A
Ringworm infection

I'm breastfeeding 1 month old baby, I have ringworm infection, kindly help me to get rid of it, kindly suggest any medication

Face wash and Face cream for sweaty face

Hello, I would like to know which face wash, face cream can help in maintaining my face from sweating atleast when I go out in public

Itching all over the body

I am experiencing itching all over my body suddenly from yesterday , there is itching in eyes , nose , ears , random body itching all over . This is really very irritating and i could not sleep because of that . Can you please suggest me any tips or remedy to stop my itching . Its getting all over and also there is no rash or mark on skin . It just itches and itches . Please suggest me some remedy for its permanent solution.

Nagin or nag Veda(herpes zoster)

Recently he had herpes zoster, now from outside it is cured but on that place where it happed has pain, itching and burning. Please suggest what to do

Feeling irritated in throat

Hello I took 2 himalaya gasex tablet at once and this is my first time and now I'm starting to feel heavy and irritated in my throat. Is it safe? What should I do? Kindly help

Health Feed
Comprehensive Guide to Knee Joint Health: An Ayurvedic Perspective

Knee joint health is a crucial aspect of overall mobility and quality of life. As we age, knee problems such as osteoarthritis become increasingly common. In Ayurveda, a holistic system of medicine, knee joint issues are often categorized under “Sandhigata Vata,” specifically referred to as ...

The Disadvantages of High Sugar Consumption: A Perspective From Modern Science and Ayurved

Understanding the Role of the Sweet Taste:In the ancient tradition of Ayurveda, the taste is not merely a sensory experience but a fundamental aspect of health and well-being. Among the six recognized tastes, the sweet taste stands out for its nourishing qualities, attributed to a harmonious ...

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: Navigating the Digital Landscape

In the past decade, the rise of social media platforms has revolutionized the way we connect, communicate, and consume information. From Facebook to Instagram, Twitter to TikTok, these platforms have woven themselves into the fabric of modern society, shaping our interactions and perceptions in ...

The Growing Concern of Microplastics in Human Bodies: Understanding the Risks and Taking Action

Microplastics, minuscule plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in size, have infiltrated every corner of our environment, from the depths of oceans to mountain peaks, and even into our food and water supplies. However, perhaps the most alarming discovery is finding these microplastics within ...

Shedding Light on Obesity!! a Path to Wellness

Health concerns often take a backseat amidst the chaos in the bustling landscape of modern life. However, there's one issue that demands our immediate attention: obesity. It's not just a matter of physical appearance; it's a pervasive health issue with far-reaching consequences, particularly ...

Dr. Deepashree.R - Ayurveda
Dr. Deepashree.R Ayurveda (BAMS) 22 years experience Jaya Ayurveda Clinic
30 recommendations Jayanagar 4 Block, Bangalore INR 350
Dr. Poornima Kasaragod - Ayurveda
Dr. Poornima Kasaragod Ayurveda (BAMS, PGD in Yoga Therapy) 36 years experience Healing Touch Centre For Ayurveda & Yoga
275 recommendations Banaswadi, Bangalore INR 400
Dr. Phanindra V V - Ayurveda
Dr. Phanindra V V Ayurveda (MD - Ayurveda Medicine, BAMS, Yoga Instructor Course (YIC)) 16 years experience Narayana Ayurveda Kuteeram
1119 recommendations Banashankari, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Jayasheela - Ayurveda
Dr. Jayasheela Ayurveda (BAMS) 13 years experience SLV - An Ayurvedic Health Centre
20 recommendations Jayanagar 7 Block, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Chaithralaxmi.K - Ayurveda
Dr. Chaithralaxmi.K Ayurveda (BAMS, MSc - Yoga, Yoga Instructor Course (YIC)) 16 years experience Shrirama Ayur Clinic
142 recommendations Malleswaram, Bangalore INR 300