Leucoderma: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

What is Leucoderma?

Quite similar to the skin condition “Vitiligo” –leucoderma is a skin disorder in which patches of skin tend to lose its natural color. Leucoderma is regarded as the de-pigmentation of the skin which is marked by the localization or complete destruction of melanocytes in the body. The characteristic formation of white patches on the skin remains closely bound to each other unlike the patches formed in Vitiligo. 

Leucoderma is particularly known by the presence of white patches which could be localized to smaller areas in the beginning. However, with the passage of time, the skin patches might get enlarged. Most of the major skin changes might become noticeable around the age of 10 to 30 years. Such skin color changes are more noticeable in people with darker skin complexions. 

Leucoderma is the name given to the white patches of the skin. These white patches are the result of the partial or complete loss of the skin pigmentation. Leucoderma turns out to be a rare condition. 

How does Leucoderma Occur?

There could be several reasons for the development of white patches o Leucoderma. Right from genetics to the auto-immune disorders including Thyroid illness and others, there could be various causes of Leucoderma. Some of the most common causes of Leucoderma might include traumatic incidents including thermal burns, accidental cuts, Eczema, Psoriasis, and ulcers resulting in the formation of the white patches. 

Leucoderma could be caused by Congenital abnormalities including Tuberous sclerosis, partial albinism, Waardenburg syndrome, and Piebaldism. The issue could also be the result of some immunological condition like Vitiligo, Halo mole, Melanoma-associated leukoderma or vitiligo. Certain medications like Intralesional steroid injections, EGFR inhibitors, and others could also cause Leucoderma. When the body is exposed to certain chemicals like butyl phenol, then also Leucoderma symptoms and causes might be triggered. 

Who is Prone to Leucoderma?

Anyone can have Leucoderma and its related symptoms. Usually, the Leucoderma symptoms occur during the early stages of life –mostly starting around the adolescent years and above 30 years. Only 5 percent of the patients develop the related symptoms after the age of 40 years. It is likely to occur in men and women equally.

What are the Symptoms of Leucoderma? How is Leucoderma Diagnosed?

As far as the symptoms of the Leucoderma is concerned, the main symptom is associated with the development of white patches on the skin –most commonly in the areas that are usually exposed to sunlight including arms, hands, lips, face, and others. In addition to the formation of white patches on the skin, there are additional Leucoderma symptoms as well. These might include the development of grey eyelashes, grey hair, grey beard, loss of the color of the mucosal membranes, and loss of the color of the retina of the eyes. 


If the doctor suspects some symptoms related to Leucoderma, then the doctor might inquire about your medical history. The doctor might also conduct a thorough examination based on some other related skin disorders including psoriasis or dermatitis. The physician might also make use of a special lamp for shining the ultraviolet light into the skin for determining whether or not you have Leucoderma. 

The doctor might ask for a skin biopsy and blood test towards diagnosing Leucoderma. Once the Leucoderma symptoms and causes have been determined, the doctor might recommend the necessary treatments or remedies.

What are the Complications of Leucoderma?

Leucoderma would not develop into other forms of diseases. However, patients with Leucoderma might suffer complications including:

  • Loss of hearing
  • Painful sunburns
  • Changes in vision and production of tear

What is the Treatment for Leucoderma?

The main objective of the Leucoderma treatment includes the correction of the body’s metabolism brought about by the improvement of the overall immunity. This will enhance the capability of pigmentation in the affected area. Most of the treatments for Leucoderma might help in restoring the skin color. The results of the treatment might vary from one person to another. Some of the common treatments for Leucoderma might include:

  • Medications including creams for controlling inflammation, medicines improving the immunity system, and others.
  • Therapies combining light therapy & psoralen and removal of the remaining color (de-pigmentation). 
  • Surgery including skin grafting, blister grafting, and micropigmentation. 

Home Remedies for Leucoderma

  • Applying mustard oil & turmeric paste
  • Applying honey juice and margosa leaves
  • Yoga for Leucoderma
  • Increasing the intake of zinc and copper

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