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3 Clinics in Nagpur

Sneh Rehabilitation Education and Research centre

Physiotherapist ClinicWardha Road

₹750 - ₹1000 Consultation Fees

1 neuro physiotherapistMON - SAT 09:00AM - 8:00PM

Ms. Jaytee Singh (Physiotherapist)

Neuro Physiotherapist

13 years experience

Diligent Physiotherapy Clinic

Multi-speciality ClinicJafar Nagar

₹300 - ₹500 Consultation Fees

1 neuro physiotherapistMON - SAT 07:00AM - 8:00PM

Ms. Divya Borge (Physiotherapist)

Neuro Physiotherapist

8 years experience

100% • 5 Patient Stories
Neuron Adult And Pediatric Neuro Rehabilitaion

Neuro Physiotherapist ClinicDhantoli

₹250 Consultation Fees

1 neuro physiotherapistMON - SAT 08:00AM - 8:00PM

Ms. Amita Wanjari (Physiotherapist)

Neuro Physiotherapist

15 years experience

Neuro Physiotherapy Clinics

Clinic Overview in Nagpur

Min Avg Max
Fee 250 508 1000
Wait Time30 min60 min90 min