
Health Q&A
Anxiety issue

Does a person suffering from anxiety have to take medicines for the rest of his life? Because i heard it if i take medicines then i should take it for whole life. Please suggest me how to rid anxiety...?

Can't stop overthinking,negative thought

Since the past 2-3 months I have been overthinking a lot. I cannot stop negative thoughts and I feel nervous , anxious all the time. I always feel scared and afraid to do things. I an a student and I am trying to prepare for my exams which are in september. But due to my overthinking and negativity, I am not able to focus and study at all. I feel that I may not he able to handle things in future. I am always scared of what will happen in future. Instead of focusing on present, I am always tensed about future and many more random things run on my mind all the day. I don't know what I should do. Please help me.

Ocd anxiety career

Hi doc, my husband git anxiety attack 2 year back. Now he is 99% recovered. Only right now he feels sometimes chest pain and have mild OCD. He ocd symtoms are like he loves cleaning home and wiping door knobes, switches which he do daily. Apart from that right now he is taking Nexito 0.25 mg daily. Right now he is not working and preparing for gov job since 3 years.I am working in IT (WFH) but lot of workload.Last year we became parent as our baby born. Now my husband needs to prepare more seriously or find job. But when he take too much pressure he gets anxiety symtoms like chest pain . He focus someday someday he waste time. Should I consult psychiatrist for him to change his medicine.. so that he would focus on his career? I told him to let consult doc he said he don't want to change medicine as it will give more sleepiness as side-effects and not able to study. But anyway he is not studying much.. What should I do? Please help

Can Vipca 10 cause palpitations?

I was prescribed Vipca 10 by a Neurologist to help resolve disturbed sleep issues due to a traumatic experience which happened three years ago. Within a week of taking the medicines, I started getting palpitations. Resting heart rate went to about 88 bpm. Does Vipca 10 (Vortioxetine) cause these side effects. Can a psychiatrist please shed some light?

Struggling with a Habit: Seeking Guidanc

For the past five years, I've been struggling with a habit that leaves me feeling regretful every morning. I find myself unable to control it, and it's starting to impact my daily life. Unfortunately, I don't have the means to seek professional help or consultation. What could be causing this behavior, and are there any medications or treatments that might be helpful?