Pediatric Pulmonology

Health Q&A
Can some one read the xray?

I have been experiencing symptoms of mild shortness of breath, chest tightness, cough, phlegm and some weakness. Also there is a general overall feeling of being I'll but can't really pinpoint. I've been a smoker for past 8-9 years. Had recently quit after the symptoms started to pile up. Can someone tell if there is something seriously wrong with my lungs or not? I'm freaking out.

Milliary tb

Is leg cramps , back pain , left shoulder pain unable to sleep at night in milliary tb sign of bone involvement during start of treatment she has no pain but due to liver injury her treatment was modified 3 time right now she is on linozid levoflox ethambutol are these side-effects of these medicines or tb is spread During treatment

Tb sputum test

Can geneexpert be negative after 41 days of tb treatment in milliary tb or it is false negative bcz the sample which I have given has very low amt of  yellow sputum

Continuous sneezing

Due to high pollen count in Delhi NCR, i have constant sneezing and irritation. Please suggest what i need to do and is there any medication to solve it?

Chronic dry cough

Hello doctor, my husband is having dry cough since last one year, we have showed to many doctors they gave antibiotics and it helped for some time, after some days again he started coughing, last week a doctor said it's because of allergy and gave mlife tablet 1-0-1, now my husband is feeling much better than earlier, I have attached his CBC report. Please help