Body Weakness Treatment

Health Q&A
280 RBS at night, took Gluconorm G2 fort

My mom is type 2 diabetes...can she take Glucorom G2 forte 1000 metformin plus Glimipride 2mg twice daily...morning night...her random sugar is 280 before dinner...she took G2 forte...will her blood sugar get very low to 50-60 or will she be OK... She used to take 2500 metformin wants to reduce to 2000mg per day...will she be okay at night...or low sugar attack can happen...😨🙏

Any good protein powder for senior adult

My father is a farmer, he works the whole day in sun. He getting old now he is 58yrs now. Still he works hard with farming. I just wanted to gift him some good protein powder for his health and energy. He is always on controlled diabetic. Nowadays getting tired easily as getting weak. Any doctors please suggest a good protein powder for him.

Pls review the reports

Hi there, Can you pls review the attached reports?  Please let me know if there is anything specific Thanks

Feeling tired and cold from inside

Hi! I feel very tired and sleepy throughout the day. Also my hands and feet are always cold. At night while asleep I feel cold despite wearing a sweater and sleeping. Had thyroid, cbc, kft, lft, serum cholesterol, urine, vitamin d, lipid profile, serum creatinine tests. The reports are all normal. Except vitamin d is 21 and serum ldl cholesterol is 74 which is a little low. I have had this issue for the past 2 years. Have suffered with anxiety and depression in the past. Also I lost a lot of weight in the past 2 years.

Fear of hiv

Hello this is related to previous question, where yesterday I went to emergency unit for vaccine and there was a guy who had blood vomit and he accidentally touched my hand when he was discharged ( couldn't see if there was blood in his hand or not) and I also didn't check my hand afterwards. So after a hour later during eating I saw my finger was stained in red colour and was dried (couldn't tell wheather it was blood or not) . Is there any risk of hiv as my hands have calluses due to gym. I am having anxiety that blood got on my Fingers when he touched my hand.

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Dr. Ashwitha R Nayak - General Physician
Dr. Ashwitha R Nayak General Physician (MBBS) 7 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
116 recommendations Kammana Halli, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Renuka C - General Physician
Dr. Renuka C General Physician (MBBS) 5 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
38 recommendations Koramangala, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Simran S A - Sexologist
Dr. Simran S A Sexologist (MBBS) 4 years experience Allo Sexual Health Clinic
36 recommendations HSR Layout, Bangalore
Dr. Anil Kumar K C - General Physician
Dr. Anil Kumar K C General Physician (MBBS) 7 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
32 recommendations Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Rakesh J P - Internal Medicine
Dr. Rakesh J P Internal Medicine (MBBS, MD - General Medicine) 10 years experience JP Health Care and Diagnostics
255 recommendations Nagarbhavi, Bangalore INR 400