migraine with aura

Health Q&A
AV block/pacemaker

My father has been diagnosed with AV block recently and advised for pacemaker. He has T2DM, however his blood sugar level is always controlled and presently FBS is 124. Can we confirm if the AV block is related to diabetes cause he doesn't have any other comorbidities.

Suffering from Mitral Valve stenosis

My sister is suffering with mitral valve stenosis due to heavy calcium deposits. And she needs to go for valve replacement but as she is not yet married and her family is incomplete. I want to understand which type of valve should we choose for her. Doctors said if she will have metallic one then she needs to take pills for rest of her life and that will create some difficulties to deliver a healthy baby but if she will have tissue valve then she will have a normal delivery but in next 10 years she will have to go for another surgery. Now I want to know which valve should be appropriate for her and also won't create trouble while having a healthy baby in future. And also want to know if we are choosing Tissue valve then how complicated the second surgery will be? Can it be a good Idea for now to go with a tissue valve and after 10/12 years switch to metallic valve when second surgery will be performed without any complications?

High Blood pressure

My father's bp readings have been 130/102, 148/103 and so on from the past few days. Experiencing extreme dizziness. How to control it without starting bp medication?

Holter test

Due to feeling of some skipped beats i took holter The report is attached. echo, tmt are normal already .Pl guide regarding holter report

Left side chest pain...

Hlo dr, I am feeling left side chest pain or breast pain confused little bit because l upper side of breast ...while at rest the pain comes suddenly at night... I have done ecg and chest xray P. a view 2 months ago the report is attach... Is this pain heart related or gas related... Plz say...

Health Feed
5 Signs That Say You Have Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Early detection and management are crucial for preventing serious health complications. Dr. Md. Farhan Shikoh, an experienced cardiologist, highlights five key signs that may indicate you have diabetes. To learn more ...

7 Symptoms You Should Know About Adult Acquired Heart Disease

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and unfortunately, one of the organs that can be affected is the heart. Adult-acquired heart disease refers to heart conditions that develop later in life, often due to factors such as lifestyle, genetics, or other health conditions. Recognizing the ...

Understanding Heart Murmur: 7 Risk Factors You Should Know

Heart murmurs are abnormal sounds that can be heard during your heartbeat cycle. While not always a cause for alarm, they can sometimes indicate an underlying heart condition. Understanding the risk factors associated with heart murmurs can help you take proactive steps towards maintaining your ...

Understanding Dyslipidemia: A Guide to Managing Cholesterol Levels

Dyslipidemia is a term used to describe abnormal levels of lipids (fats) in the blood, primarily cholesterol and triglycerides. When these lipid levels are out of balance, it can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. As a cardiologist, it's ...

5 Things You Should Know About Congenital Heart Problem

Congenital heart problems, or congenital heart defects (CHDs), are the most common type of birth defect, affecting nearly 1% of newborns each year. Understanding these conditions is crucial for early diagnosis and effective management. To learn more visit https://drfarhancardiologist.com/. Here ...

Dr. Jai Babu - Cardiologist
Dr. Jai Babu Cardiologist (MBBS, MD - Medicine, DM - Cardiology) 21 years experience Altius Hospitals
115 recommendations HBR Layout, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Srinivas V K - Cardiologist
Dr. Srinivas V K Cardiologist (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Cardiology) 40 years experience Vydehi Super Speciality Hospital(Mallya Hospital)
10 recommendations Ashoknagar, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Durga Prasad Reddy - Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Dr. Durga Prasad Reddy Cardiothoracic Surgeon (MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Cardio Thoracic Surgery) 27 years experience Vydehi Super Speciality Hospital(Mallya Hospital)
3 recommendations Ashoknagar, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. B. Ramesh - Cardiologist
Dr. B. Ramesh Cardiologist (DM - Cardiology, MD - General Medicine, MBBS) 38 years experience Apollo Hospital
971 recommendations Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore INR 1000
Dr. Jayaranganath M - Cardiologist
Dr. Jayaranganath M Cardiologist (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Cardiology) 36 years experience Apollo Hospitals
21 recommendations Seshadripuram, Bangalore INR 950