
A Wellness provides services including Antenatal and Postnatal Exercise/ Physiotherapy, Excercise Therapy, Postural Reeducation, Functional exercises and Kora method Slimming.

A Wellness provides services including Antenatal and Postnatal Exercise/ Physiotherapy, Excercise Therapy, Postural Reeducation, Functional exercises ... More

Health Q&A
Myopia treatment

How can severe myopia be treated ? Is netra tarpan helpful and I need more information on the same. Want to connect with good ayurvedic doctors

Gas problem

My aunt was hospitalized due to covid for 1 month and came back home today. Everything is okay but she is facing gas issue since few days. She also has some pain inside stomach due to gas. She takes pan 40 tablets early morning on empty stomach and other medicines too. Since she is weak and is on oxygen concentrator she is not able to go to washroom. Can you please suggest some natural/ home remedy/ medicines for gas problem? Her age is 59 years.

Pranayama benificial or not

Is pranayama scientific proven? alternate nasal breathing(anulom vilom? is benificial for cardiac function?

Diabetic with HBA1C 7.3

Hi sir, Can I take Giloy on daily. I am diabetic my HBA1C is 7.3 .There will be any side effects. Please let me know.

H pylori treatment

Sir is there a treatment for h pylori and lak less In ayurvedic or homeopath plz tell me I was waiting..