Neurointensive Care

Health Q&A
Tremor in hands

I having tremors since teenage which was very slight tremor which didn't affect much but as I age tremors getting worse while doing fine motor tasks and gets worse when in public and I get anxiety because of it does it due to essential tremors or anything else whom should I consult psychiatrist for anxiety or neurologist?

Having dizzy spells

I had dizzy spells on 28th may 2024  morning i started anti vertigo meds then stopped after 7 days but today i felt 1 second dizzy spells again while brushing i want to get rid of this.

Hla b27 positive patient

My dad Recently got positive for  hla b27 Has swelling on this ankle for a few months Is it curable and what is the way forward to it ? Let me know

Regarding Balance and low b12 and vit d

Sir/Mam, from 3 months i m facing balance issues, it is not affecting my walking but whenever i try to stand in my feet its like earthquake is happening. And whenever i sleep my thigh and feet is like moving. I got a little improvement from b12 shots. Will i get cured? Plz help me and reply me doc🙏🙏

Report check

I had a back pain so I was advised to have a MRI scan and here are the reports.Can you please explain this report