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Royal Dental Clinic

Royal Dental Clinic

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Dentistry and Endodontics Clinic

(84 patient stories)

Silpukhuri, Guwahati

1st Floor, U.K Tower Building., Landmark: Near Silpukhuri Bus Stand., Guwahati

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Royal Dental Clinic is a Dentistry Clinic in Silpukhuri, Guwahati. The clinic is visited by orthodontist like Dr. Dip Jyoti Baruah and Dr. Himakshi Kalita. more..

Dr. Dip Jyoti Baruah Orthodontist in Guwahati

MDS - Orthodontics, BDS

13 years experience overall


100% (253 votes)

BDS, Certified Course in Oral Surgery

13 years experience overall



Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentist

100% (11 votes)
Mon-Sat10:00 AM-06:00 PM