Dr. Sanjay is a Nephrologist/Renal Specialist in Jalahalli, Bangalore Dr. Sanjay practices at Sapthagiri Hospital in Jalahalli, Bangalore.
Mon, Wed, Fri
03:30 - 06:00
Q: Where does Dr. Sanjay (Physiotherapist) practice?
A: Dr. Sanjay (Physiotherapist) practices at Sapthagiri Hospital - Jalahalli.
Q: What does Dr. Sanjay (Physiotherapist) specialises in ?
A: Dr. Sanjay (Physiotherapist) specialises as Nephrologist/Renal Specialist.
Q: Who is Dr. Sanjay (Physiotherapist)?
A: Dr. Sanjay is a Nephrologist/Renal Specialist in Jalahalli, Bangalore Dr. Sanjay practices at Sapthagiri Hospital in Jalahalli, Bangalore.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.
Q: Who is a nephrologist?
A: A nephrologist is a medical professional specialized in diagnosis, treatment and management of kidney-related conditions.
Q: Can a nephrologist treat urinary tract infection?
A: A nephrologist only treats kidney disorders; a urinary tract infection that has spread to the kidneys can be treated by a nephrologist. However, a regular physician too can treat a urinary tract infection.