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1. What is the cost of Angioplasty?
The minimum cost for Angioplasty in Bangalore may be Rs.50,000
An average cost for Angioplasty in Bangalore may be Rs.1,70,000
The maximum cost for Angioplasty in Bangalore may be Rs.5,00,000
Cost of Angioplasty in Bangalore depends on:
- Admission fee
- Doctor fee
- Age of the patient
- Area of the body to be treated
- The medical condition of the patient
- Post-surgical complications that are involved
- Type of Hospital
- The admission room that you opted for
2. What are the risks and complications associated with Angioplasty?
Risks and complications associated with Angioplasty are:
- Bleeding at the site of catheter insertion.
- Formation of the clots in the stent
- Irregular heartbeats
- Damage to the artery or the heart muscle
- Infection may occur
- Stroke or heart attack may occur
- Kidney damage
3. How to find the best doctors for Angioplasty?
Angioplasty can be performed by:
- Interventional Cardiologist
- A Vascular surgeon who has experience in performing successful Angioplasties
- Any surgeon who performed several successful Angioplasties
4. What is the success rate of Angioplasty?
The success rate of Angioplasty depends on:
- Age of the patient
- The medical condition of an individual
- Experience of the doctor in performing Angioplasty
However, the success rate of Angioplasty maybe 92%.
5. What are the advantages of Angioplasty?
Advantages of Angioplasty are:
- It is a less invasive procedure
- Short hospitalization
- Decreased blood loss
- Helps in removing the plaque that is formed in the blood vessels
- It also widens the narrowed blood vessels or arteries
- It restores the normal blood flow to the heart muscle
- It lowers the risk of recurrence of heart attack
Name | Recommended By | Review Count | Years of Experience | Fee |
Dr. A Naga Srinivaas | 98% | 20 | 36 | 1000 |
Dr. Ramnaresh Soudri | 98% | 38 | 17 | 600 |
Dr. Srinivas V K | 100% | 5 | 40 | 800 |
Dr. Mohan Kumar HN | 100% | 5 | 20 | 900 |
Dr. Durga Prasad Reddy | 100% | 4 | 27 | 800 |
Dr. Ganesh krishnan Iyer | 98% | 50 | 37 | 1100 |
Dr. Sanjay Bhat | 82% | 32 | 14 | 1100 |
Dr. R.S. Venkatesulu | 69% | 9 | 21 | 1100 |
Dr. Ranjan Shetty | 89% | 50 | 22 | 1100 |
Dr. Anand Shenoy | 64% | 20 | 24 | 1100 |
What is Angioplasty?
Angioplasty is a medical procedure that is used to remove the blockages in the blood vessels or widen the narrowed blood vessels. It helps in restoring the normal blood flow throughout the arteries. Several Angioplasty techniques are available and based on the type of plaque [sticky deposit], size and shape of the artery; your doctor will decide which technique should be used. A stent may be placed during the Angioplasty or immediately after Angioplasty. The stent will help to keep the artery open.
Different types of Angioplasty techniques are:
What are the advantages of Angioplasty?
Advantages of Angioplasty are:
What are the indications of Angioplasty?
Angioplasty is indicated in the following conditions:
What is the preparation for Angioplasty?
What are the steps involved in Angioplasty?
Steps involved in Angioplasty are:
What is the postprocedure care/recovery care for Angioplasty?
Who can perform Angioplasty [Right specialist type for Angioplasty]?
Angioplasty can be performed by:
What is the cost of Angioplasty in Bangalore?
Cost of Angioplasty in Bangalore depends on:
The minimum cost for Angioplasty in Bangalore may be Rs.50,000
An average cost for Angioplasty in Bangalore may be Rs.1,70,000
The maximum cost for Angioplasty in Bangalore may be Rs.5,00,000
Is Angioplasty a major surgery or minor surgery?
Angioplasty is either major or minor procedure depending on the patient's medical condition and the area to be treated.
What is the eligibility criteria for Angioplasty?
People who can undergo Angioplasty are:
What is the ineligibility criteria for Angioplasty?
People who cannot undergo Angioplasty are:
What are the risks and complications associated with Angioplasty?
Risks and complications associated with Angioplasty are:
How long does it take to complete Angioplasty?
Angioplasty takes almost 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete the procedure and sometimes it may take more than the usual time to complete the procedure depending on the condition of the patient.
What is the recovery time?
Generally, people who undergo Angioplasty along with a stent will able to walk after 6 hours of the procedure.
What is the success rate of Angioplasty?
The success rate of Angioplasty depends on:
However, the success rate of Angioplasty maybe 92%.
Is Angioplasty painful?
Angioplasty involves the insertion of a catheter in the larger artery of an individual and this may cause mild to moderate pain. In some cases, general anesthesia is given to sedate the individual and the individual does not feel any pain during the insertion and removal of the catheter from the artery.
Is Angioplasty Permanent?
Angioplasty may be a permanent procedure as the stent will remain in the artery permanently and the catheter tube is withdrawn from the body after placing the stent in the blocked arteries.
What are the long-term results of Angioplasty?
Long-term results of Angioplasty are:
However, in the long run, Angioplasty may cause hypertension and may need to perform another Angioplasty.
Can Angioplasty be detected in the future?
In Angioplasty, a stent is placed in the blocked blood vessel and it can be detected under X-ray examination.
What are the options if Angioplasty fails or not successful?
If Angioplasty fails, then your doctor may perform open surgery to clear the blockages in the blood vessels.
What are the alternatives for Angioplasty?
Some of the alternatives for Angioplasty are: