Apollo Hospitals Bangalore is a world class JCI accredited super speciality hospital providing a complete range of healthcare services under the same roof. This hospital is situated in Malleshwaram, near Mantri Mall."Apollo Hospitals, Sheshadripuram has commenced operations on 1st August 2015 and its the 3rd Hospital in Bangalore and 4th in Karnataka. It’s a 200 bedded Multi Specialty Hospital with 10 bedded state-of-art Emergency department, 40 bed ICU and rest bring the patient care beds. This Hospital primarily cater to the Immediate neighbourhood of central and northern Bangalore primarily Sheshadripuram and Malleshwaram. The Hospital is also in close proximity to metro station and Mantri Mall which is the largest mall in the state. Additionally the hospital will also cater to some of the large corporates based in this part of the city like IISC, ISRo, ABB, ITC etc."It has diagnostic service available.It is private Hospital.
New Number 1, Old Number 28, Platform Road
Landmark: Near Mantri Mall
Seshadripuram, Bangalore
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Mon - Sat
09:00 - 06:00
Cash | Online Payment | UPI
Visited Dr. Shashidhar K P (Vascular Surgeon) For Endovascular Interventions
Happy with: Explanation of the health issueDoctor friendlinessTreatment satisfaction
I was diagnosed with an Aneurisms in the descending part of the artery arch on 6th Dec 2022 after a 2D Echo and subsequent CR-Scan. I met Dr. Shashidhar regarding possible treatment; he explained the problem in detail and suggested TEVAR (Thoracic Endo-vascular Aneurism Repair) procedure. I requested time till the first week of April 2023 as our daughter (who lives abroad) wanted to be by my side. He agreed with some hesitation considering the complex nature of the ailment. As planned I was admitted at Apollo, Sheshadripuram Hospital on 2nd April 2023 and was operated upon on 3rd April 2023. Dr. Shashidhar was very reassuring during the procedure, which went smoothly in about 50 minutes, and I was transferred to Cardiac Care Unit for observation. The same evening I was transferred to the twin-sharing room I had opted for. I was eventually discharged on 4th April evening. Overall, my experience with Dr. Shashidhar has been very good and I would unhesitatingly recommend his services to others.
Visited Dr. Anand Subrmanyam (Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon)
I am surprised to notice there was no story written so let me take the opportunity for first review.The Cardio Thorasic Vascular surgery team at Apollo Sheshadripuram including Dr. Anand Subrahmanyam and Dr. Manoj S. P., were in charge of my father's open heart surgery. Their care and reassurance both before and after the procedure were truly commendable. They thoroughly explained every step of the process, making the surgery feel straightforward.My father was in critical condition prior to the surgery with breathlessness, but thanks to the excellent care provided by Cardio Thorasic Vascular surgery team, he is now doing much better with hope he can lead better life at his old age. The team’s accessibility, communication, and the clarity with which they explained his condition were exceptional.I’d like to particularly acknowledge Dr. Anand Subrahmanyam and Dr. Manoj S. P. for their outstanding support. Their team provided great care and made the entire experience as smooth as possible.Their care in ICU was really commendable & we got timely communication/updates for any actions.Would like to share my heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped during this tough phase.I would highly recommend them to anyone facing a similar choice of bypass surgery.
Visited Dr. K H Srinivas (Cardiologist)
It is with immense sense of gratitude I whole heartedly thank Dr Srinivasa for the kind of treatment given by him to my husband Ramesh.
My husband underwent an arotic valve replacement surgery at Apollo Hospital, Seshadripuram. It was a very complicated case as my husband has very bad lungs and his oxygen reserve was very low. His value also was severely calcified and needed immediate replacement. Doctor has given him a fresh lease of life by handling the surgery so well, for which we are forever thankful. I can understand the kind of stress and pressure he and his team underwent while handling the surgery.
I must thank all the doctors in his team and the health care workers who helped by husband get thru it.
I am really grateful to God to have sent us to you Dr.Srinivasa for my husband's treatment. *Thank you* are very little words for the great job the he has done. I am at loss of words to express my gratitude.
Man of few words but with a big heart ❤️.
I pray God to him good health and happiness and the strength to you to help many more people who are in need of his services.
May your tribe increase.
Visited Dr. Bhaskar Pai.K (General Surgeon)
Doctor Bhasker Pai sir is laproscopic surgeon 100%accuracy in surgery pre and post care 100% so cute and discuss with us on par with international standards dont talk more but highly efficient .
both my wife smt Lathaseshadri 50 operated for thyroid cyst and myself scalp cyst swelling and operations are so cutely performed with his team of anaesthesia Nodoubt he is incarnation of God for us. So superb man for any surgery consultation and whatever he promise is 100% assured.
Particularly I searched 8 hirated hospitals in Bangalore city to perform surgery for my wife first and identified him and attracted with his commandeable onfidence with his amazing accuracy and confidence.
I strongly recommend him for any surgery and also he takes care of patent body organs so convenient to discharge within small time limits for quick discharge not charging minded not timepassing really god gift to appollo Seshadripuram and geatest rewar for medical surgery Industry sir
God bless him and his family for his meritorious service in the Medical Industry . wish him hale and healthy life for 120 years like Sriman Ramanuja Achar !!!
I recommend I recommend I recommend I recommend I recommend
Q: What are the Visiting hours for IPD Patients?
A: 8am - 10am & 5pm - 7pm
Q: Does the Hospital have a Cafeteria?
A: Yes
Q: Visiting Guidelines for ICU?
A: One person can go to see the patient in ICU during the Visiting Hours and need to wear mask and use santizier availabe at the hospital. ICU Timings : 4PM - 5PM.
Brief History:
Seshadripuram Apollo Hospital began its operations as a specialized Intensive Care Unit [ICU] and right now it is one of the superior Multispeciality Hospital around Seshadripuram. The main motto of Apollo is “Saving & Enriching Lives” and to reach this, every staff and doctor of Apollo serves the best patient care with the latest technology incorporated medical devices and compassion of the doctors. This hospital is a center for some unique surgeries which are very complex and by achieving those, Seshadripuram Apollo Hospital stood out of many other multispeciality hospitals in ensuring the safety & care for the patients. Apollo Hospitals provide the opportunity for the patients to select personalized treatment options and this results in gaining the most trustworthy hospital in and around Bangalore city.
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