Q: What are the Visiting hours for IPD Patients?
A: Anytime
Q: Does the Hospital have a Cafeteria?
A: Yes
Q: What is the Admission Process?
A: Planned - Patient visit doctor and then doctor advise admission and date is decided for admission. Patient needs to fulfill TPA process before admission if required. Emergency admission-EMO checks and advice admission if required.
Q: How can I get a discharge summary?
A: Discharge summary is handed over to patient/relative at the time of discharge.
Q: Can a family member spend a night with the Patient? Will this be at an extra cost?
A: 1 family member is allowed to stay. NO extra cost. ICU - 1 family member in waiting area can stay.
Q: Does this Hospital provide International Patient Services?
A: Yes
Q: What are the Diagnostic Imaging Services available at the Hospital?
A: X-rays, Sonography
Brief History/Overview:
Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Kormangala 5th block - Bangalore is one of the best & well-known multispeciality hospitals available in Karnataka state. This hospital has 19 beds, 4 advanced operation theaters, an in-house pharmacy, and many more facilities. This hospital provides international standards of health care and the world’s best medical services to the patients with their well-advanced infrastructure and well equipped medical devices. Apollo Spectra being multispeciality hospitals provides all the benefits of a large hospital in a friendlier and more accessible way by giving the patient with expert and quality healthcare. Apollo Spectra Hospitals have 12 centers spread across 9 cities such as Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Jaipur, Kanpur, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Gwalior, and Pune.
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