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Ms. Faseeha Muhammed

Ms. Faseeha Muhammed Audiologist in Bangalore

Ms. Faseeha Muhammed

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Speech Therapist

10 Years Experience Overall

Ms. Faseeha Muhammed is a Audiologist and Speech Therapist and has an experience of 10 years in these fields. more..

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Common questions & answers

Q: Why do patients visit Ms. Faseeha Muhammed?

A: Patients frequently visit Ms. Faseeha Muhammed for Speech Therapy, Administration, Diagnosis. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.

Q: What is Ms. Faseeha Muhammed's education qualification?

A: Ms. Faseeha Muhammed has the following qualifications - BASLP, MASLP.

Q: What does Ms. Faseeha Muhammed specialises in ?

A: Ms. Faseeha Muhammed specialises as Audiologist, Speech Therapist.

Q: How many years of experience does Ms. Faseeha Muhammed have?

A: Ms. Faseeha Muhammed has an overall experience of 10 years. View where has Ms. Faseeha Muhammed practiced in the past.

Q: Who is Ms. Faseeha Muhammed?

A: Ms. Faseeha Muhammed is a Audiologist and Speech Therapist and has an experience of 10 years in these fields. She completed BASLP from Dr. M V Shetty College Of Speech & Hearing, Mangalore in 2009 and MASLP from Dr. M V Shetty College Of Speech & Hearing, Mangalore in 2013. She is a member of Indian Speech and Hearing Association. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Speech Therapy,Administration,Diagnosis,Rehabilitation of different clinical populations and Rehabilitation of different auditory disorders etc.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.


Rehabilitation of different clinical populations
Rehabilitation of different auditory disorders
Interpretation of audiological tests
Stroke Rehabilitation


BASLP - Dr. M V Shetty College Of Speech & Hearing, Mangalore, 2009


Practo doesn't have degree proofs to verify this education.
MASLP - Dr. M V Shetty College Of Speech & Hearing, Mangalore, 2013


Practo doesn't have degree proofs to verify this education.


Indian Speech and Hearing Association