Doctors in Chandigarh
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1. What is multiple sclerosis?
It is a condition causing a range of disabilities by affecting the brain and spinal cord. Although it can affect at any age, it is commonly diagnosed in individuals in their 20s and 30s.
2. What the signs and symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis?
Numerous symptoms are associated with multiple sclerosis such as difficulty in controlling the urge to urinate, tiredness, problems associated with arm and leg movement, muscle stiffness, blurring of vision and numbness in various parts of the body.
3. What can lead to multiple sclerosis?
It occurs when the immune system of the body affects the layer covering the nerves. This layer is called myelin sheath. Damage then progresses from the myelin sheath to the nerves. These nerves are then incapable of carrying sufficient information to and from the brain leading to the range of symptoms. However, the exact cause why immune system acts in this manner is unclear.
4. How is multiple sclerosis diagnosed?
No specific tests are available for multiple sclerosis. Thus, the diagnosis is based on ruling out other conditions with similar symptoms. Tests that are used for this purpose include, blood tests, spinal tap (the testing of fluid from the spinal cord), MRI scan and evoked potential tests to record electrical signals by the nerves.
5. What are the treatments for multiple sclerosis?
No treatment is currently available for multiple sclerosis. However, the measures that can help in the management of the symptoms are oral and injectable corticosteroid treatment, physical therapy and exercises, muscle relaxing medicines, medicines to reduce fatigue and improve the speed of walking and medicines for pain, depression or insomnia based on the symptoms experienced by the individual.
Name | Recommended By | Review Count | Years of Experience | Fee |
Dr. Suresh Kumar Bansal | 83% | 12 | 54 | 0 |
Dr. Sanjay Bansal | 33% | 3 | 35 | 800 |
Dr. Parth Bansal | 100% | 1 | 7 | 600 |