Dr. Nivedita Raveendran

MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy, MBBS

Aesthetic Dermatologist, Dermatologist, Cosmetologist

11 years experience overall

74 patients
Adyar Dr. Nivedita Skin and Hair Clinic
Verified details
600 fee
Clinic Appointment


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About Dr. Nivedita Raveendran

Dr. Nivedita Raveendran is a Aesthetic Dermatologist,Dermatologist andread more

Practices at

Number 1, 3rd Cross Street, RRN Towers, Shastri Nagar
600 for regular consultation
Online Payment Available
MON 11:30 AM
12:30 PM
TUE 11:30 AM
12:30 PM
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Beauty Enhancement
Brow Lift
Leucoderma Treatment
Forehead Lift
skin checks
Skin Tag Treatment
Skin Peeling
Laser Hair Removal - Face
keloid/scar treatment
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Common Questions
Q :
Where does Dr. Nivedita Raveendran practice?
A :
Dr. Nivedita Raveendran practices at Dr. Nivedita Skin and Hair Clinic - Adyar.
Q :
How can I take Dr. Nivedita Raveendran's appointment ?
A :
You can take Dr. Nivedita Raveendran's appointment online through Practo for in-clinic visit with the doctor.
Q :
Why do patients visit Dr. Nivedita Raveendran?
A :
Patients frequently visit Dr. Nivedita Raveendran for Beauty Enhancement, Brow Lift, Leucoderma Treatment. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.
Q :
What do patients say about Dr. Nivedita Raveendran?
A :
Dr. Nivedita Raveendran has been recommended by 69 patients and has recieved stories from 55 patients. You can read detailed patient stories of the doctor on Practo.
Q :
What is Dr. Nivedita Raveendran's education qualification?
A :
Dr. Nivedita Raveendran has the following qualifications - MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy, MBBS. You can book the doctor through the doctor's profile on Practo.

Other Information


Aesthetic Dermatologist


MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy - Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute (SRMC) Madras, India, 2018
MBBS - Chettinad Medical College And Research Institute,Kelambakkam., 2014


107576 Tamil Nadu Medical Council, 2014