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250 General Physicians available in Chennai

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Dr. Vinod Prem Anand General Physician in Chennai

Dr. Vinod Prem Anand

General Physician
25 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic
This fee is indicative and might vary.
NOTE: Fees is payable at clinic. There are NO charges for booking an appointment.
Dr. Sheethal Suresh General Physician in Chennai

Dr. Sheethal Suresh

General Physician
32 years experience overall
Dr. S Ganesh General Physician in Chennai

Dr. S Ganesh

General Physician
43 years experience overall

Dr. Pravin K Aggarwal

General Physician
44 years experience overall

Dr. Govindaraj

General Physician
44 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ananth Padmanaban

General Physician
44 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Jeysel Suraj

General Physician
24 years experience overall
300 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Surendar D

General Physician
21 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sankara Subramani Kumarauru

General Physician
21 years experience overall
550 Consultation fee at clinic
FAQs on General Physician

Dr. Deiveegan K

General Physician
32 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Best General Physicians In Chennai

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 (114 Reviews & Ratings)

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General Physicians in Chennai

General physicians are specialists in non-surgical health care. These doctors care for patients suffering from difficult or unusual issues that cannot be treated by their family doctors. Most general physicians work in hospitals and only see patients who have been referred to them by other doctors. Some of the common ailments treated by them include malaria, persistent coughs, irritable bowel syndrome and HIV. 

When to consult a general physician?

General physicians treat both children and adults. Some of the most common reasons you may be referred to a general physician are if you have a persistent cough, sudden changes in weight, unexplained rashes, being unable to digest food etc. General physicians can also help treat chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. 

How much does a general physician in Chennai charge?

The fees for a general physician depend on the treatment sought.

Malaria checkup – Rs 100- Rs 2500

Diabetes checkup – Rs 240 to Rs 6880

Normal fever and cold – Rs 100 to Rs 500

Treatment for Measles- Rs 150 to Rs 500

Treatment for chickenpox- Rs 150 to Rs 600

Top services offered

General physicians play an important role in educating people about various aspects of their health and in the prevention of infections. They can diagnose a number of conditions and help treat them as well. General physicians can also help you find specialists in cases where the condition is serious. 

General physicians do not perform surgeries but they can refer a patient to a surgeon if and when required. In the case of elective surgeries, these doctors can help the patient prepare for the surgery and act as a guide for them. 

General physicians can treat a number of different infections and diseases. This includes whooping cough, diphtheria, measles, mumps, influenza, malaria, chickenpox and meningitis. For this, the doctor will prescribe medications and offer personalized care for future treatments. General physicians can also administer vaccinations to protect individuals against such diseases.

For diseases like diabetes, an early diagnosis can help make treatment easier. For this, general physicians may conduct checkups to look for signs and symptoms of such conditions. If detected, they may prescribe medication themselves or refer the case to a specialist. 

In the case of long-term diseases like HIV and AIDS, a general physician plays an important role in helping the patient maintain his/ her health and in palliative care. 

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