Abnormal behavior
Hi My 3 and half years old son is very stubborn recently since we joined him in pre-school. He shows lot of resistance for anything for eating, brushing, bathing etc. We are getting lot of complaints from school that he will not listen or respond to any question in school,not learning anything, not identifying any objects,not able to write anything on his own, will not recite,mingle with only very selective people,not at the pace of other kids in school of his age and they are having tough time to teach him anything and he always expects help from someone for everything, even for drinking water , milk etc, cries a lot at times ,It's not that he is an inactive but he expects things to happen at his will and wish, as parents we are having tough time teaching him basic things and we would like to consult any child psychologist for check-up. Any piece of advice/inputs will really make our life better, we are highly worried about him these days. Appreciate your help. Thank you!
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Try doing behavior chart with him. Take a chart paper.. divide into 2 parts. For every acceptable behavior or even tiny success, put a star sticker. For every bad behaviour or unacceptable behavior put a 'cross' mark. And suppose if he gets 10/20 stars, tell him he will get a toy/ his fav. Food, etc. Explain the behavior chart to your child. Also, see a psychiatrist to rule out any other issues
Next Steps
seek Psychiatrist  help
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