Acanthosis nigricans
Hello, I am not overweight and do exercises. But i have Acanthosis nigricans on my neck and other body parts. I am perfectly fit but don't know why do I have this. I am very frustrated and depressed about this problem. Is there any cure for it ? But i have very little. Again ( I am not overweight and perfectly fit) I want my normal skin back . Is it possible ??
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Answers (1)

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Acanthosis nigricans can occur normally in some percentage of Indians. In some it may be a sign of underlying conditions like diabetes, hormonal issues, very rarely even malignancy also. It can be treated, though not very satisfactorily. Addressing underlying problems will be important.
Next Steps
Kindly consult a dermatologist to confirm the cause and for further treatment.
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Acanthosis nigricans treatment home remedies acanthosis nigicans
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