Adult seeking for ADHD diagnosis
I have been facing problems to concentrate and focus and issues with anxiety since young. It seems to have aggravated since past year. After reading about ADHD, a lot of symptoms match with what I have been facing and I want confirm diagnosis and get professional help. How do I approach doctors and where?
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Hi. Consult
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diagnosis and intervention
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You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” — Mark Twain A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” — Brian Tracy
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Hi Consult a psychologist
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Contact me for counseling session
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Consult a psychologist
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Was this answer helpful? need psychological assesment intervention  for dignosis.followed by therapy ses.You have taken first step towards it which is half the battle won. Call me at seven eight nine two seven zero five four seven seven... .session will be of fifty minutes. cost three hundred only. whatz app @seven zero two  six six six two six six four
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Call me at seven eight nine two seven zero five four seven seven... .session will be of fifty minutes. cost three hundred only. whatz app @seven zero two  six six six two six six four
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Hello, Therapies and guidance can help you in this.and you can able to handle it also.
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You can book the session with me
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Counselling can help you to deal with this.. book the online session with me
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Yes you can approach Licensed therapists who provide interventions on the concerned areas
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check out the symptoms that your experiencing right now
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You seek a professional support by using this platform. You can reach one of us to share and discuss your concerns and to get some clarity and understanding about yourself..
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Hello .. You can contact Rupali Mohbe on linked in . She does online adhd test. The clinical test are either done by licensed clinical psychologist or counselling psychologist in partnership with a clinical psychologist or Psychitrist. You can check with the practice if they have these test.
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All the best
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You can connect for a online consultation : Neha Ravichandran Athreyaa wellness
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Hi First consult and discuss about your symptoms. According to your symptoms and it condition psychologist will do assessments or psychological evaluation by this you can know what is your condition and you can seek help according to that.
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face to face or online consultation.
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You can see psychologist on practo.
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Hi... ADHD is typically diagnosed very early in age. There might be a tendency similar to it. You can consult a psychiatrist for a medical diagnosis. Possibly, you are misreading the symptoms due to lack of clinical experience/education. Consult a Psychologist for Psychotherapy/Counselling for your issues like anxiety, focus, and concentration. Often these are created out of psychosocial factors which can easily be dealt with Counselling.
Next Steps
Consult a Psychologist. CBT along with Lifestyle Guidance & Motivational Counselling is required.
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Mr. Gunjan Maithil Senior Psychologist Cell: nine six seven one three zero three one three four Website: App:
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Hi, Please consult a Clinical Psychologist and a Psychiatrist. They would be able to help with diagnosis and therapy. You can simply share your symptoms and they will be able to help you. You can reach out to me via Instagram on
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Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.