My menstruation cycle is regular but the flow was very less and it is just for 2-3 days always. Then we consulted a doctor, she suggested transvginal ultrasound, oncotic cytology, vulvoscopy and colposcopy.
On the results of these tests i got to know that i have anechoic cyst of 3.6cmx1.6cm in my right ovary. Now i want to know can i fix this cyst with medicines only or surgery is the only solution.
Eagerly awaiting for your valuable suggestions.
Hello , your cyst is simple and small , doesn't even need medicine untill it cause severe pain in abdomen do a repat scan after 3 month , but check on your thyroid level as subnormal/ abnormal thyroid function also cause this type of cyst sometime
Answered2020-03-30 15:46:06
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Check on ur thyroid levels. The ovarian cyst which u have can be treated without Medicine also and if needed medicines are available to use it
Contact directly for more details and discussion
According to the report it seems like a simple cyst which can be treated with medicines... So dont worry.. When this lockdowm is over consult a nearby gynaecologist or you can consult me online for prescription
I was having simple cyst in my right ovary. I am planning to conceive. My gynaecologist gave me dronis fo
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