Hello, The first step in treating boils is preventing their occurrence. Prevention includes maintaining good personal hygiene with frequent hand washing and washing the body with soap and water. Large, multiple or recurring boils need prompt medical treatment. People with chronic diseases or conditions that lower resistance to infection should also seek prompt medical care if they develop any symptoms of a boil.Boils are generally caused by a bacterial infection and are treated with antibiotics. General supportive treatment includes rest, increased fluids, and ensuring good nutrition. Applying a warm washcloth or warm compress or soaking the area in warm water every few hours helps to bring the boil to a head and heal as quickly as possible. Topical cleaners, topical antibiotics(with steroid combination to suppress itching) and pain medications may also be recommended. Consult dermatologist he will prescribe you that.
Answered2016-03-02 03:04:41
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