Can't stop overthinking,negative thought

2024-05-15 07:02:49
Since the past 2-3 months I have been overthinking a lot. I cannot stop negative thoughts and I feel nervous , anxious all the time. I always feel scared and afraid to do things. I an a student and I am trying to prepare for my exams which are in september. But due to my overthinking and negativity, I am not able to focus and study at all. I feel that I may not he able to handle things in future. I am always scared of what will happen in future. Instead of focusing on present, I am always tensed about future and many more random things run on my mind all the day. I don't know what I should do. Please help me.

Answers (5)

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Answered2024-05-17 06:23:37

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Just relax a bit. Take one or two days break from studies. This can happen due excessive stress about study. Almost all of us being students in some days gone through same feeling. So just take a break and talk on video consultation. So i can help you in better ways.

Answered2024-05-15 17:32:24

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U need therapy
Next Steps
Meet a clinical psychologist

Answered2024-05-15 14:04:54

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You are having anxiety symptoms. Fear of the future. You need to do some good time management. Break big tasks into smaller tasks.
Next Steps
Do some relaxation exercises and yoga meditation. See a psychiatrist for further counselling and therapy and medications if indicated.
Health Tips
Reduce intake of tea, coffee and other caffeinated or carbonated drinks. They trigger anxiety

Answered2024-05-15 07:08:45

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Hello, it seems like you are suffering from depression with anxious distress. It can be easily managed with therapy and medications
Next Steps
Kindly consult with a psychiatrist for detailed history taking, evaluation of current symptomatology and planning further line of treatment

Answered2024-05-15 08:08:55

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