Cannot have sex

2016-03-11 13:00:14
While trying to have sex I pennis size goes down in few minutes moreover i am not able ejacuate also. in short i am not able to have sex but i am able to masterbate. i tried many postiin but then also i failed. just me something. i am very worried.

Answers (1)

Treatment may not be needed. Practicing relaxation techniques or using distraction methods may help you delay ejaculation. For some men, stopping or cutting down on the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs may improve how well they can control ejaculation...if no improvements medical treatment needed..Medical treatment for premature (early) ejaculation includes several options. Any serious primary medical condition should be treated; for the purposes of the following discussion, the male is assumed to be healthy, and premature ejaculation is assumed to be his only problem. In addition, any accompanying erection problem (eg,erectile dysfunction) should be treated; various methods are available, and excellent success can be expected. Accordingly, treatment of concomitant erectile dysfunction (ED) is mentioned only in passing. To achieve the best outcome the female partner should be included as fully as possible in the treatment and counseling sessions. Pharmacologic therapy may include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or desensitizing creams...consult psychiatrists they will help you..

Answered2016-03-13 17:56:11

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