Constant blocked ear and throat mucus

2017-09-11 11:03:11
I've been suffering with a right blocked ear for 2 years now, I've had it repeatedly checked out and nobody can seem to tell me whats wrong with it. In the past few months my ear has also be accompanied by the sensation of mucus constantly in the back of my throat that I've been unable to cough up. This is really effecting my day to day life as my ear sounds like a constant echo of my of my own voice through my head whenever I talk; I just need to get it gone!

Answers (1)

Hii...will u get your ear examination by otoscope.? What is cause of blockage must be rule out..if due to et tube blockage then go for nasal dicongetion drops and drugs...if due to mucus then go for mucolytic drugs..
Next Steps
visit ent clinic for ear and nose endoscopic examination and pta..rule out cause of blockage first then start drugs

Answered2017-09-12 06:21:11

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