Dandruff problem

2016-02-14 15:26:15
I have a severe dandruff problem. I have consulted to many dermatologists but as I stop the treatment it again comes back in few weeks. Is there any permanent solution to the dandruff problem. Any surgery or something like that?

Answers (1)

Hi. Greetings. Dandruff does not have any permanent solution like surgery. You need to understand that dandruff problem is partly due to factors like stress, pollution, fungal colonization of your scalp and mainly due to excessive oil secretion by yours glands and due to inflammation. This can be well controlled with medicines and shampoos. You might need some maintenance therapy with shampoos to prevent recurrence. Low dose oral retinoids also help. Please discuss these treatment options with your dermatologist. Hope this helps. Warm regards

Answered2016-02-15 11:04:00

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