Diarrhea ,4 times a day

2025-01-09 19:00:19
14 month kid, passing loose  stool 4 times a day after every feed , I gave him zinc supplement , entroflora,and antibiotics, but not reduced, wat else to give ?

Answers (4)

Consult with Pediatrician physically for further evaluation and treatment

Answered2025-01-10 18:40:29

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Do stool test What is colour of motion if white then give. Lactose free milk

Answered2025-01-10 13:01:20

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Since many days baby had diarrhoea,. give ors 10 ml/ kg after every loose stool zinc for 14 days 5 ml once a day[5ml/20mg ], sachet bifilac half sachet twice a day for 3 days
Next Steps
If any danger signs present [ decrease urine, abdomen distension, dry mouth and decreased tears, lethargy , altered sensorium, blood in stools] immediately go to physical consultation
Health Tips
Give soft diet, cereal based diet, curd, frequent breast feeding

Answered2025-01-10 08:30:57

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This has been going on for how long ? And is every stool watery and liquid in consistency ?? If the child is active and there is no dehydration and child passing good amount of urine you do not need to worry.

Answered2025-01-10 08:27:08

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