
Early Ejuculation

The problem arises since 1 year and past sex life was good and more satisfactory. Even after consultation with sexologist 3 months before with having of following medicines- 1. Jackjoy. 2. Mopart 12.5 mg. 3. MNB6, problem still persists. Improvement only witnessed till the consuming of above medicine and no improvement after stopping of these medicines. Please help for consistent results.

Answers (2)

Thanks for expecting Assertive Health n progressive fittness with Holistic Ayurveda Approach, though its unfortunate but it usually happens at mid of life to almost everybody... Nothing wrong with it.
Next Steps
Ensure ur engagement with Healthier habits of activity on grounds for sports which offers amazing outcomes for fitness of heart which is at most imp rather than necessity.
Health Tips
Hope ur tobacco n alcohol less than social. screen for blood sugar n  blood pressure, though ur family won't have its history. Ayurvedic Vajikaran therapy after bit of Detox had boosted/benefited to almost with some exercises so consider to have ayurvedic opinion nr by u or at college Hospital in ur city



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For premature ejaculation : Have good sleep,  do exercise & yoga daily for 1 hour. Take hot milk 1 glass morning & evening. Avoid spicy..chilli.nd fried food Take tab. Manmath Ras.... tb.. Pushp dhanva Ras  ... nd tb pooranchndra ras  one tab. each morning & evening for 3 months...wd hot milk.. See d results or otherwise consult a sexologist personally.



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