Feeling weak daily

2020-08-07 03:18:31
From last 3 months i feel very weak, exhausted and nauseated when i wake up. I just complete 5 hours of sleep and cant sleep after that as my mind keeps on talking with me. I feel feverish in afternoon as well where the temperature when measured reaches max upto 99.3. I start feeling better after the afternoon. I feel cold in my legs. Earlier i had appetite loss as well and i lost weight of 3-4kg. My cbc and other tests including ESR CRPLFT endoscopy urine test usg scan of upper abdomen are completely normal. Might be i think too much. How do i avoid that.

Answers (1)

Yes u do and looks like too anxiety prone.
Next Steps
Do relaxation exercises and meditation regularly. Daily morning walk for 30 mins.
Health Tips
Avoid electronic devices and TV. If no improvement can consult. Thanks

Answered2020-08-07 08:03:12

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