Paraphimosis is a sexual disorder which affects only uncircumcised men. People sometimes assume that Phimosis and Paraphimosis are moreover similar. Phimosis is the condition when the foreskin of the penis can no longer be pulled back from the tip of the penis and it mostly affects young males. On the other hand, Paraphimosis is a serious condition in which the foreskin cannot be pulled forward from the tip of the penis. Basically it is the condition when the foreskin is unable to return to its normal position, over the tip of the penis. This disorder has many side-effects which includes swelling in the foreskin, and it may even slow or stop the flow of blood to the tip of the penis. This condition is very serious and needs immediate attention and treatments. I was going through the internet and found out many opinions on Paraphimosis and Its Surgery (Circumcision). We are glad to inform you that not all patients have to undergo a surgery. Paraphimosis can be corrected/ Treated without Surgery as well. Please go through our feedbacks online (Dr. Manu Rajput) and (Dr. Kanu Rajput). We both practice at Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology Clinic. In our feedbacks, you can see GENUINE PATIENTS who were in the same state of confusion/ Dilemma regarding paraphimosis like you are now and read their and our success stories. A lot many patients after 'researching' a lot on Google get depressed and convinced that circumcision is the only way to get rid of paraphimosis which is not true. Circumcision is one way BUT NOT THE ONLY WAY... Many believes that its not possible... We don't know how true is that coz frankly speaking, we haven't seen and observed any patient of ours coming back to stage 0. Provided treatment of it was started in time. We are yet to see... Pun intended but with all due respect 😊 NON SURGICAL PARAPHIMOSIS TREATMENT is a reality and it does resolve the condition.
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Kindly visit this link for further information on the condition and to book your appointment :
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Google is good but definitely not the best. feel free to book your appointment with us. We will make sure to give you the best possible solution to your problem.
Answered2020-03-08 06:11:32
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