Getting angry

2021-01-15 13:40:12
I m getting angry many times in the day. I can't help on it. I think its very bad habit...but i can't control on it. Help me.

Answers (3)

There can be underlying emotional issues due to work or family situations or anxiety or depressive episode that make people overwhelmed and unable to react in a balanced manner. You can get cured of this. Please consult over phone for detailed case history and right prescription for your ailments

Answered2021-01-21 03:49:30

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Hi getting angry is a common problem. You want to change it which is commendable. Try self-help interventions and relaxation techniques. There is a book called happiness trap by Russ Harris. He has also put you tube clips watch them. Definitely you will benefit. If you are still suffering consult a clinical psychologist for treatment.
Next Steps
self help
Health Tips
read self help books, relaxation and meditation

Answered2021-01-15 13:53:40

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It’s great that you are reaching out for help, now you can start the change. Anger can be a part of personality, I.e. is there since adolescence. In such persons stress may aggravate aggressiveness. But anger in persons who have been calm otherwise is mostly due to mental problems like depression, anxiety, addictions and others.
Next Steps
Anger (if not manageable by self) requires consultation with a psychiatrist or a counsellor.
Health Tips
Anger can become a habit and cause disastrous consequences in many areas of life like relationships, work, health and others

Answered2021-01-15 13:51:49

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