
2021-08-17 13:19:28
Get married on March ...and consive on April I took scan it's normal ...after 7 weeks I faced miscarriage... I consult doctor and she told I have pcod ...and prescribe me to take folvista and metilal metiformin tablet for 3 month ... May 8 I face miscarriage after tablet I got periods on June 8 ..July 10 I got periods it's painful ...and this month period comes on aug 17 ...Im still continue my tablet ... Now I'm very depressing abt this ...why this happens after taking tablets also ...and I did all hormonal test in previous month it's normal no thyroid ...wat to do now... Im worried ABT myself ... Y happen like this ...

Answers (3)

No need to worry dear as it was your first pregnancy it can happen to any one,just continue trying you will conceive definitely.
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Reach Practo profile for further assistance.

Answered2021-08-17 13:49:04

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You need to get screened for apla if recurring loss is present

Answered2021-08-17 13:39:20

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Msy be due to forceful sexual intercourse during first trimester try to avoid no need to worry   try again

Answered2021-08-17 13:51:54

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