Hair loss causing baldnes

2016-02-03 15:03:26
I m suffering from a bad hairfall causing baldness n dandruff.wenevr i touch my hair i gt a lot of hair strands coming in my hands. I hav been washing my hair with borewell water.cause i hav no other options.kindly recomend me some hairfall shampoo,serum or any other application to stop hair fall dandruff and baldness.

Answers (1)

First of have to stop use of bote well it causes most damage to hair Massage hair at night with warm coconut n hibiscus oil Do not use any shampoo..instead usr shikekai n ritha aamla powder for hair wash Wash hair twice or thrice a wk to keep away dandruff

Answered2016-02-04 01:30:48

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Medical conditions causing hair loss
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