Headache and dullness

2017-08-20 07:35:10
Suffering from severe headache since 1-2 years in centre and corners of my forehead. This happens approx 4 times in a week which affects my studies so much.

Answers (1)

It may be migraine. But its also important to rule out other causes of headache like tension type headache, cluster headache, secondary causes of headache (sinusitis, vision problem etc). You must consult to neuropsychiatrist/ neurologist to identify underlying cause of headache. Which is most important for proper treatment of headache. If its migraine its treatable. Identify triggering factors of headache which may help to prevent recurrence headache. People with migraine have specific triggering factors like sunlight, loud noice, hunger, ocp etc. (avoid loud noice environment, take food on time, avoid ocp etc). Tab neproxen+domperidone (Naxdom 500) is effective in acute headache. But for prophylaxis (to prevent recurrent headache) propranolol /amitriptyline/ carbamazepine are effective.
Next Steps
consult neuropsychiatrist or neurologist to indentify cause of headache and treat the underlying cause.

Answered2017-08-21 14:10:54

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