Headache dizzy nausea vomit doub vision

2017-02-26 07:10:10
Third episode this week of same symptoms. Dizziness standing up and laying down. Feels like going to pass out. Have to walk with eyes closed. Normally room is spinning when I get dizzy, but not this time. Headache at crown of head. Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting started today. Double vision comes and goes. Getting tested for absence seizures, as I zone out nearly everyday at least once, upwards of ten minutes if no one snaps me out of it.

Answers (1)

1. Any Headache ? 2. Neck pain ? 3. Numbness and Tingling of the arms ? 4. Heaviness of the head on movements ? 5. Any Giddiness ? 6. Any Vomiting Sensation ? 7. Any Pain radiating from neck to Arms? 8. Any Giddiness? If more than 3 answers are in yes.  We have found your problem. Please consult in private for the same and you will be better quickly
Next Steps
private consult with me for detailed treatment protocol with medicines and dietary instructions

Answered2017-02-28 14:07:27

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This question featured in :

Home remedy for dizziness and nauseaWaking up with headache and dizzinessDizziness and vomiting during period
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