Hypertension & Paralysis

2016-03-24 18:44:32
My father got 3 paralysis attack in last 13 years & in last attack, he lost 40% of his voice and also their right limb is still weak and not able to perform similar functioning as it perform before last attack. So I need no to know if it can be cured or improved

Answers (1)

Hello, I understand your father's condition and I understand your feeling too. I appreciate your concern towards your father. Four time stroke attack is a big task to get back to normal. I cannot say that there is possibility to improve his disability but there should be hope always. I suppose this type of condition should get improved by physiotherapy by involving each and every muscle for strengthening but voice cannot be guaranteed recovery. You can find that in kerala. Thank you

Answered2016-03-27 07:25:06

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