Hypothyroid,fat & PCOD

2016-03-08 12:27:33
I have PCOD & hypothyroid, and my weight is 80kg height is 5.5.i don't understand what should i do. please suggest me doctor in pune for PCOD so it will help me.having whole hand pigmentation

Answers (1)

Normally people with this will have anovlation (no egg release), oligomenorrhea (scanty periods) or even amenorrhea (no menstrual period). But it can also have symptoms like polymenorrhea means cycles occur too often as you are experiencing. For this you have to -continue your treatment for PCOS with drugs which regulate menstruation and induce ovulation, insulin sensitizers as given by your gynaecologist -try to reduce the weight and maintain your BMI in between 19 to 24. Do regular exercise to maintain the weight. -try to avoid worries as they will further increase the hormonal imbalance. -once ovulation occurs plan intercourse during that period which will increase the chances of fertilization. -In dietary modifications, You should decrease carbohydrate intake, take foods made-up of whole grains like whole wheat bread, Decrease fat intake and increase protein content. Take high fiber diet, fruits, vegetables but avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes. Take plenty of water avoid sugar drinks. 2.the other possibilities are uterine fibroids or polyps which can also present with polymenorrhea. ultrasound can rule out these possibilities...Consult gynaecologist and physician they will do the needful.

Answered2016-03-09 08:30:44

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