I feared about my thinkings

2017-09-23 19:15:57
My elder sister was death by hanging 5 months back . After that incident i suddenly getting angry to others , Sun-Times argument with other but there is no reason for my arguement and anger. I have 10 months baby boy . Sometimes I suddenly over tension on him. Now a days I fully feared about nothing , but I'm in fear . Sumedays I dreamed like that my sister telling about something . But that dreams are came true within 2 or 3 days . Some dreams came to finishing in arguement or false . Now a days am also thinking about death . Whats happened after death to people's, where they are going to , why I cannot try this to know ... like that typed thoughts I thinking nd 90% thinking of mine is what to die by hanging and am tried once also . So these sudden changes and that dreams and my thinking are to variety after my sister death . Because I seen his death on spot and I scared also . Don't know what's my problem and why am thinking like this . May b these are all my imagination. Need help

Answers (1)

sorry to hear about your sister..its painful situation and you might not able to cope  up with your current situation.. don't worry about your situation it's going to improve soon. consult to psychiatrist immediately... you need medication and psychotherapy..

Answered2017-09-25 13:05:54

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