Increased thyroid

2016-02-26 10:18:12
Hello Doc! So there are a lot of problems that I am facing at the moment. I’ll move ahead step by step. 1. Delayed period- I am 8 days late on my period, though I am not sexually active. 2. On and off anxiety and pain in different parts of body, eg: wrist, thighs knees and sometimes swelling in hands & feet. 3. Puffiness under eyes & face. 4. I feel tired and lethargic many times even if I have taken proper rest. My Background: I have a desk job, I do not exercise regularly. 10-15 minutes of walk is all that I do. I have normal diet, but I eat out 2-3 days every week. I sleep late at night & sometimes I have to force myself to sleep at night. I have been suggested that I may have high thyroid, for which I got my complete blood and urine test done. I am attaching my reports. Please take a look & suggest what is causing all this? Is it anything serious? Do I need to take medications or just a healthy life style could mend it. Please give me a detailed answer.

Answers (1)

Hi Your thyroid profile is high... You should be started on medication... And also you need to take medication for long term ...Kindly consult physician for fixing dosage...

Answered2016-02-27 17:00:16

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