Infertility test

2015-11-01 17:06:19
Hi Doctor, I am trying to conceive from past few months in vain. Therefore I am planning to get a infertility test done. Can you please assist me which test should I undergo for infertility? Or is there anything else that I should take care of?

Answers (2)

There are three basic tests which need to be done.1.sperm count. 2.ultrasound 3.HSG hysterosalpingo gram. But u need to have a counselling session before going for test. There are many issues to be talked over as plain stress to conceive itself is a cause. Contact me at BLOSSOMS women care. Law college road

Answered2015-11-04 13:29:40

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Hello der you  need to to undergo hsysterosalpingography for any obstruction or anomaly of uterus and ovarian reserve must be found out and also your husband also should be tested for sperm count consult obg specialist for your problem and ask your husband to consult urologist for further evaluation and treatment.

Answered2015-11-03 03:02:29

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