I had unprotected sex with my bf but he did not cum but for safety purpose I took an ipill!! A week later I got my periods (which according to my cycle is 20 days early) and as soon as periods got over my vigina started itching a lot!!! I have been applying vaseline!! My vagina has been a little swollen too! Plz help
Hello, sometimes harmonal imbalance can also cause vaginal dryness which could be responsible for itching . Since you have taken ipill I suspect harmonal imbalance. If could also be due to fungal infection ( candida infection) in such cases you need antifungal medicines. Wait for a month if it doesn't subside consult gynaecologist.
My partner's next cycle is due on 18 May 2024 (approx. date). However, An unprotected sex was occured on
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