Itching issues on body

2016-04-08 17:24:35
Hi As temperature increased in Bangalore I'm suffering from itchy sensitivity on complete body. First I thought it is because of liquor or nonveg .. I stopped all but it did not stopped. If I stay under sun or in heat it ittetates more. I'm suffering from red patches all over my body.. I regularly take bath and try to keep myself cool then those red patches reduce but gradually it returns. Please advise what need to be done..

Answers (1)

Hi greetings - the red patches that you are describing could be due to - milaria rubra or polymorphic light eruption or solar urticaria. Yes i am from Bangalore too and i know the summer has been crazy this time.! I would suggest you to see me or any other qualified dermatologist in the city for appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Meanwhile you can apply calamine lotion for soothing relief - till u see a dermatologist . Further queries may be sent on follow up messaging, Warm regards - Dr Govind Suresh Mittal

Answered2016-04-29 10:40:24

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