Jaundice Pale Yellow color corner of eye

2018-11-24 12:23:34
Hello, Just wanted to check how to identify if my new born has got Jaundice. 19th is his delivery date and yesterday wife got discharged and I see pale yellow colour at corner of eyes. Baby is breast breeding and cries if not fed milk. Please suggest something which can cure pale yellow stuff

Answers (2)

Newborn Jaundice is mostly PHYSIOLOGICAL,which means it's a normal condition...However in some cases it may rise beyond a certain level, wherein it is called PATHOLOGICAL JAUNDICE (which may require treatment by Phototherapy)...for detection of this, baby needs to be clinically examined by your Pediatrician....If he suspects the level of JAUNDICE to be higher, he will do a S.Bilirubin test.
Next Steps
For now, do regular breastfeeding every 2 hours and also on demand, and go for a follow up visit to your Pediatrician

Answered2018-11-25 03:36:40

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Jaundice occurs in ALL newborns and can easily be seen in the eyes or the skin. It's medically significant ONLY if the level of jaundice is higher than normal. Plz consult your paediatrician for physical examination. Till then, ensure regular breastfeeding and exposure to sunlight for 30 mins after removing all clothes.

Answered2018-11-24 13:03:14

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